The time is edging closer for the big day. C.S. can hardly wait to show the progress that has been made in rebuilding Adrift Art Studio. Most of the boxes have been unpacked and most of the furnishings have been replaced. There are still a few things that have to be moved back from another location but that is only a matter of making another trip with a van.
Jill is back on board and ready to get started working in the new studio. What C.S. has been doing for the last few months is working wherever she can clear a space in her office or the dining room of her home. It has been a struggle. Not having an area to spread out and work when she has available time has been quite frustrating to say the least.
It is a great reward to see things falling in to place and the excitement is building as C.S. Alexis gains momentum on reaching a goal that has prevailed through a turbulent journey. Adrift Art Studio Lives.