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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Driftwood art, jewelry and more from C.S. Alexis at Adrift Art Studio

Making more changes at Adrift Art Studio to incorporate new ideas and life styles for C.S. Alexis and company. There has been much goings on with the move to Henderson NV. and personal affairs within the business. Life deals a hand and we play it. That is the thought from C.S. Alexis. We have to go with the flow and work within our means. Not always what we plan but what we have to do to keep it all in motion.

She has been inspired with fresh feelings for the driftwood she has been working on. Some of that inspiration has lead to finished pieces being posted on both shops. Handcrafted Jewelry USA saw the first designs with the googly eyes and other jewelry pieces made from driftwood.

Adrift Art Studio has also grown to incorporate the love of the driftwood. C.S. Alexis has finished artwork for sale in that Etsy shop as well. There is more to come and another driftwood hunting trip in the near future. C.S. wants to make sure there is a huge variety of driftwood available before the cold weather sets in around Chicago. Not much fun trudging through ice and snow to collect the driftwood.

Winter weather is better spent in Henderson working on the pyrographics and the jewelry. C.S. has some fresh ideas on re-purposing too. Here is a recent article she wrote about driftwood art, C.S. Alexis on Keep a keen eye peeled for some innovative art to come from Adrift Art Studio this fall.