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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Ready Or Not Here We Go

The past week we have been sorting through all of the things that it takes to pull Adrift Art Studio up and set her back on her feet. Things might not be running but they are beginning to show signs of the ability to stand upright, without crutches. The thought for a while was to postpone an open house until things were better organized. All week C.S. has been mulling the idea over in her head. A tiny voice in the back of her mind keeps telling her to wait a couple weeks.

Jill has been nose to the grind stone, sorting and labeling all of the inventory for Handcrafted Jewelry USA. There is a lot more to it than meets the eye. The jewelry components are tiny and require a lot of handling before they ever make their way to becoming a finished product. It seems to be never ending from time to time. Jill just about gets to the bottom of a box and C.S. hands her another one.

The process is coming along but time has come to let it go and concentrate on the reason for Adrift Art Studio. With that thought in mind and a burning desire to push forward C.S. Alexis says open the doors, "Ready or not here we go".

So here it is, a not so formal invitation to everyone.

WHAT: Adrift Art Studio Open House
WHEN: Saturday, February 27, 2010
WHERE: Due to security please contact C.S. Alexis the following email address
Time: 2PM - 5PM