Hey there everyone.
I have been burning the midnght oil at Adrift Art Studio and it is really making things happen. Here is the latest article published on HubPages.com. This one is a "How To" that suggests a great way to re-purpose cardboard and utilize it in your vendor booth. Make some designs that you can use to boost sales and have fun doing it.
I enjoy sharing my thoughts and helping other creative people. Makes me feel great but, what really makes me happy is to know that I am helping Mother Nature. This idea is based on re-purposing cardboard and it offers a little way to keep some cardboard out of the trash. It will save money and you can have fun with this project idea. So go ahead and take a look.
Read my latest and see if you like the idea and maybe you can incorporate it in to one of your next creative projects. It might even make Mother Nature smile in your face.