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Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Las Vegas Art District

Once a month some of the regional artists gather in a part of the old, downtown district of Las Vegas to show their skills and hawk their productions to curious shoppers. A blend of musicians, craftsmen, painters, potters, and partiers, amongst others, take it to the streets. They call it First Friday. This is where I got my first taste of the many flavors, of a creative feast, open to all, in The Las Vegas Art District.

Like most street festivals, First Friday offers a variety of food and libation to enhance the experience. Cold beer stands and an array of cocktail vendors keep the party going. This scene seems a hot spot for some UNLV students, and as the sun goes down the volume goes up. We took advantage of the evening and took in the sights and sounds, enjoying mild evening weather.

Tent vendors display an assortment of creative styles with paintings, photography, ceramics, jewelry, unusual lamp work, textile crafts, and so much more. The variety of creativity offers something for every one's delight. My sister Sepi, my niece, Mother and myself especially enjoyed the antics of a street band called Steam Powered Giraffe. Their costumes were fun, their makeup was marvelous, the music was upbeat and their stage presence was captivating. Mother, at 83 years old enjoyed their performance more than anything on the venue. Their "steampunk" image goes hand in hand with a particular style of jewelry I have become fascinated with. Seeing Steam Powered Giraffe boosted my curiosity to say the least.

The Las Vegas Art District hosts First Friday each month, 12 months per year, rain or shine. The entertainment begins in early evening and goes into the night. When the sun goes down the musical entertainment overshadows the visual arts so keep that in mind if you ever plan to attend this exciting bit of The Las Vegas Art District.

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