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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

C.S. Alexis Writes About Local Arts Culture and A "How To"

Recently published articles have kept C.S. busy writing. She has also been working on more props for the vendor booth. Adrift Art Studio has been getting out and about. This being quite new to the program, it has been a full time gig trying to put together an attractive display. Sure is a lot different than working inside.

Outdoor venues require much additional equipment and thought. It is also quite different to deal with weather. The temperature soared to 108 degrees last Sunday in many parts of the Las Vegas valley. It did not help that the AC went out and naturally that happened during the peak of the high temps.

That did not keep Sepi from signing us up to do the Fresh 52 Market. Hey, it all gets us more experience under our tent and it puts us out amongst the people. We met some interesting customers and had a good time despite the weather.

One of our neighbors was Celestial Doble and her Etsy store, Rockin Mama Baby Gear. It was nice to get to chat with Celestial and she was kind to share a few tips on getting more sales on Etsy. Her gear is fresh and different, and her commitment to quality is the best.

Take a look at these new publications by C.S. Alexis. The first is about local arts culture in Henderson.
The other article is a "how to" about making a table skirt from repurposed cardboard.


Rockin Mama Baby Gear said...

It was VERY hot that day!! Thanks so much for mentioning my shop on you blog. I really appreciate it! Hope to see you guys this Sunday at the Market again. It's supposed to be a beautiful 88 degrees :-)

Sarah said...

I can't believe you guys were out there in 108 degree weather! You're much tougher than I am. But yes, this weekend's nice weather will hopefully get some good traffic through the market. Good luck!